Register for membership

Membership fee: £425pa

To apply for AMPS Membership, please complete the application form below.

Please note it is only Operators/Establishers or Administrators that can apply for Full Membership which entitles Voting Rights. All other memberships will be Associates.

I confirm that I have read the Constitution and Code of Conduct and I agree to abide by them for as long as I and the Nominated Firm are members of AMPS. I understand it is the Nominated Representatives responsibility to keep the membership secretary advised of any changes to the above details.

I agree to my details being published on the website unless I notify you otherwise. I understand that the membership subscription is payable annually and the membership period runs from 6th April to 5th April. My initial subscription payment of £425 is attached. (Cheques made payable to ‘Association of Member Directed Pension Schemes’).

Note that no joining invoice will be issued. This form constitutes notification of the application fee due.

User details
User account details
Company Details
AMPS Membership Information
The Committee would be very grateful if you would answer the following questions, in support of your application
Associate membership applicants only
Please have read the AMPS Code of Conduct and the AMPS Constitution

The information disclosed here will only be used by the AMPS committee in their dealings with HMRC or the FCA or in press releases for the purposes of demonstrating the size of the SIPP and SSAS market.